Jesus came

Heaven and earth are no farther apart today than they were on that night when shepherds heard the angels' song. In those days, God sometimes sent angels to speak to people as they worked in the fields. He is just as close to us today. As we go about our work, as we live according to His will, angels are with us every step of the way.

The story of that night in Bethlehem will never grow old. How can that kind of love be measured? By coming to this earth to be our Savior, Jesus traded His throne and all the angels in heaven for a manger and a barn full of animals. And this was only a small part of what He gave up.

For the Son of God to become a human like Adam and Eve--perfect, before sin entered the world--would have meant giving up more than we can imagine. But what Jesus did was even more amazing. He became one of us after thousands of years of sin had made humans weak. Like all the children of Adam and Eve, Jesus had to live with the weaknesses He inherited from His ancestors. But He came anyway to share our pain and our problems. He came to give us an example of a life fully dedicated to God, a life without sin.

Messiah by Jerry D. Thomas,  pp. 29, 30