
Forgiving a wrong that has been done isn’t always easy but in Matthew 6:14, 15 Jesus says, “ For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you: But if you forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.”
Corrie ten Boom points out some of the physical consequences of not forgiving: "I knew forgiving not only as a commandment of God but as a daily experience. Since the end of the war I had had a home in Holland for victims of Nazi brutality. Those who were able to forgive their former enemies were able also to return to the outside world and rebuild their lives, no matter what the physical scars. Those who nursed their bitterness remained invalids. It was as simple and as horrible as that." “Forgiveness is an act of the will, and the will can function regardless of the temperature of the heart.” The Hiding Place
Author C. JoyBell C states “If you want to forget something or someone, never hate it, or never hate him/her. Everything and everyone that you hate is engraved upon your heart; if you want to let go of something, if you want to forget, you cannot hate.”
Forgiving allows us to let go of the hurt, anger, resentment, pain and burden of unforgiveness and go further toward the goal of loving the one who has wronged us as God loves us. This does not mean that we place ourselves in a position for this person to repeat the same or similar wrong against us. Loving as God loves means that we desire the good of the person we love. I think this would mean we do and say those things which would help in effecting a change in the person we love. While we cannot change the other person, our actions can lead to corresponding reactions in the other person. And we can pray for the offender. Somehow, as we pray for others, God works on the heart of the one for whom we pray as well as on our own heart to give us the true spirit of forgiveness. So, does God ask us to do the impossible? No. He makes the impossible, possible.