“Bitterness is the acid that eats the container that holds it.” Greg Schaller, pastor.
Some time ago as I volunteered in a mobile clinic, I met man who had numerous health problems - high blood pressure, stomach ulcers, heart problems, anxiety, depression, muscle and joint pains which he said was arthritis. He was ahhh. . .ing with pain every time he moved. As we talked he confided that he was a very angry man having been hurt many times by family, friends and coworkers whom he trusted. He could see that his anger played a huge part in his physical condition and wanted to let it go but didn’t know how. Together we took it, and him, to the Lord in prayer and he seemed relieved, at least for the moment.
I wash I could tell you that he continued to leave it with the Lord but I never saw him again. For those of us who struggle with similar ohh . . .s and ahh . . .s, moans and groans, God is “a very present help in trouble”(Psalm 46:1) and He urges us to “Cast all your cares on Him for He cares for you”(1 Peter 6:7)