Here at the beginning of 2021 I find the words of this song appropriate: Begin the Day with God by John Wilkinson. I’m taking the liberty of changing one word in the song. Instead of the word “day” in the second verse I’m putting “year”. Following are the second and third verses.
Begin the year with God, He’s waiting there for you.
Morning by morning come, His mercy is brand new.
Rise up! Don’t wait! You’ll miss the Son.
He has so much for you.
Enjoy your portion and your part
Until the Morning Star rises in your heart.
Begin the day with God, He needs His people to
Be those who love Him best! Get up with this in view.
Rise up! Don’t wait! You’ll miss the Son.
He needs some to watch and pray.
Spend time with Him and let Him in—
To your heart so He can have His way.
And letting Him “have His way” is not negative submission but an active choice on our part to let go and allow God to work in our lives to recreate His image in us as He did in the beginning in Adam. See Genesis 1:26.