Ask, believing. . . .

It is common practice for us to end our prayers with, And we ask all these things according to Your will. Amen. However, could it be that we don’t fully understand what God desires to teach us through His invitation, Pray according to My will, and My answer will be Yes? Could it be that  If it be Your will  has become only a tagline that we throw on the end of our prayers just to be safe if things don’t turn out the way we hope?

The Bible records Joshua’s prayer when he commanded the sun to stand still: Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon  (Joshua 10:12). Wouldn’t it have been wise to end his bold prayer with,  If it be Your will, O God? That way he would have been protected if the sun did not obey. But for some reason, he did not pray this way.

To pray with Joshua’s bold confidence, we must know the will of God. And the only way to know the will of God is by learning to know Him personally through His Word.

Devoted Daily Inspiration from Pacific Press

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From: Daring to Ask for More
Author: Melody Mason
Ref: p. 33