We all know that God wants us to walk in faith. We all know that it is easy to walk in faith when there are no trials, pain, loss, or conflict—but that is not good enough. God needs to develop faith in us that will endure. He wants us to grow strong in faith. The only possible way that He can do that is to teach us to weather the storms that appear from nowhere in our lives.
(Faith) requires acting on what we know to be true based on Scripture. As we act, our faith will strengthen and grow in proportion to our step of obedience. When we act in faith, we will encounter trials, but through this experience we learn that God will never forsake us.
Jesus never promised His followers an easy life. Instead, He promised to walk through life with them. Out of Babylon by S. Joseph Kidder .
God says He will never leave us. Deuteronomy 31:6.